
Thursday, June 27, 2013


The Storyteller:
Depicts Jonah telling his journey inside the Whale.

Comes in a gift bag along with it's meaning on a nicely presented card

Monday, June 24, 2013

$100.00NZD each

Here are my latest paintings. They can be sold as a set or singularly.  For details on the purchasing and their meanings, you can contact me through here.

Titled: Foundation

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Logo design

So, it goes like this. I decided to create my own logo for my wordpress site. I hadn't considered size and as the site/theme header was rectangular (beats me why I didn't check this out first) I was stuck with a design that will need some reworking. I am so disappointed. Anyway, you can view my designs at At present I only have free designs on my site. I will be uploading images of new paintings I have completed in the last few days along with bone carvings.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Workshop set-up

Well I'm sorry for the length of time it has taken for me to post something new. I've had a mental block for design work and it has delayed me working on pieces I already have begun on because of this. We did get the lounge painted. Ali and I painted it the other day and I think we have done a really good job.

I spent a day sorting out my workshop and nearly have it in order now. I also spent today working on my abstract carving of a flower and have the sanding left to do on the first section. There are a total of four sections. To alleviate the repetitiveness I'm working a section at a time.

As you can see, the photo shows my workshop layout.


Sunday, June 2, 2013

A slow week

After several experiments in digital art the past week I didn't succeed so I've taken a break from art as I feel I need to find that place that keeps me going forward. I have come up with some new idea's and new drawings for carvings.

This week we (Ali) and myself have stripped the wallpaper and have filled all holes and sanded down the walls in the lounge. We now have to wait for the landlord to buy the paint. Ali has chosen a pale olive green colour. Although it may sound an awful colour to some, if you understood Ali she knows colour and always gets it right so I trust the choices she makes.