
Monday, October 28, 2013

Moved house

I've finally moved house and have begun creating again. It's become a slow process of sorting out my new workshop and managing where all my gear is going to fit but the good news is my scroll saw has arrived along with my grinder set up with a wet system for grinding greenstone.
Today I spent most of the day working on carving of a lizard from Totara in a contemporary style, as I don't have the ability to make a more realistic version. I had to cut off one front and one back leg due to too many mishaps with the toes, and am going to replace it with two cuts of wood and shape them into the lower parts of the legs and feet and pin them back into place.
I've also been working on several paintings. Focusing on Maori designs I've intuitively started sketching to see what happens. Most are small canvases and I might think about having an exhibition and include some of my carvings as well.

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